INSTALLING THESE FILES WILL OVERWRITE OTHER LOADING SCREEN MODS.Ĭredit goes to Kexikus for High Quality Skyboxes, which were installed when I took the screenshots.Ĭredit goes to Darth InSidious for his Sonic Screwdriver, which was handy to open doors that wouldn't have been easily opened otherwise.ĭo not upload this mod or assets from this mod, modified or not, to other sites without my express permission.
IF YOU HAVE ANOTHER MOD THAT ALTERS THE LOADING SCREENS, YOU WILL HAVE TO CHOOSE ONE OR THE OTHER. The new loading screens will automatically appear, you will not have to start a new game! Drop all the files in the "Override" folder in this archive into your Knights of the Old Republic Override folder. Installation of Loadscreens in Color is extremely easy. The result, in my opinion, really freshens the game and invokes the feel of the area being traveled to. Extra care was taken to produce a look very similar to the original, but in color. Each of the loading screens has been reproduced shot for shot, with a few exceptions where the angle was not possible or didn't showcase the area very well. This mod replaces all the default black and white loading screens with loading screens that are in color. However, one area of the game that could, quite literally, use some more color is the loading screens. There isn't a whole lot that can be improved on. Knights of the Old Republic is a fantastic game.